Jon Crofoot is down 30 pounds!

How have you had the success that you’ve had so far?

A whole lot of accountability. Not only with myself but with the people I surrounded myself with. Self-Discipline was also something I had to learn and to be completely honest, sometimes I still have struggles with that! I have truly made it a lifestyle, not a diet! Something that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. 

What would you tell others that are your age and wanting to take control of their health and fitness?

Stay committed. You don’t see results the next morning. Maybe not the next week, or two. But you will. Don’t let the scale lie to you. If you know you are doing the right things, then it will follow. Surround yourself with people who have the same goal in mind.

What impact have these changes had on your everyday life?

I am able to sleep better every single day. I’m able to move a whole lot better than I used to. And the best part about it, I am able to have confidence in my appearance. I still have a long way to go, but I truly can walk into a room with confidence in my health. 

What’s your fitness background? 

So starting in High school I was a natural athlete but never actually worked out with weights or even a routine.  It wasn’t until I got into the Marine Corps when I started turning my body into a machine! I had a hard core routine back then, I had to stay alive and keep my brothers alive. 

I know you are working around injuries on a daily basis.  How do you manage your workout routine so that you do not do further damage?  

I really just try to listen to my body and I have learned what I can and can’t do. Also it helps a lot that I have a  stretching routine. Plus the trainers are very helpful.

What were your goals when you began?

In the beginning my goal was to just get down from 225lbs to 185lbs. Then it grew to get back into Marine Corps shape.

What did you do on a daily basis to get these results? 

First 3 weeks I picked a diet plan from Dot-fit and stuck to it religiously and also kept a 40% caloric deficit for those first three weeks. Now I eat healthy and maintain my exercise of course I still cheat with my ice cream. I plan to do another hard core 3 weeks to lose 15 more pounds.

How do you feel as a result of dropping the weight? 

I feel like I’m in my 20’s again!! My joints feel a lot better. I’m not out of breath when I tie my shoes. My stamina has skyrocketed and my ability to focus is a lot better. It feels amazing!!

What would you tell others on this same journey? 

Find what motivates you and just go for it but don’t talk your self down and never give excuses. You will need to always encourage yourself and others around you. This way you can find joy in the fact that what your doing will make you and others around you feel better and more confident in life. My motivation is my family and my self. I want to be strong and healthy for my family but at the same time I just want to be an athlete again. Like a selfish servant!!


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