When did you start your journey with Fusion and why?
I started at fusion in December 2021 when my son was about one month old. I joined because I had been working out alone in my garage for a year or so during Covid and wanted a community in Lindale and more diversity in my workout routine. I started with Fusion 50 which was a perfect match, all the exercises I love doing and fantastic teachers and people to work out with!
How have you managed being a full time nurse, a mom of two, and time taking care of yourself?
I had a really difficult time after my first baby with postpartum depression and anxiety. Taking care of my physical body is a huge part of taking care of my mental health, and during my second pregnancy/postpartum I made exercise a priority. Working full-time, being a mom to 2 and consistently working out can be pretty difficult, but I’ve found the saying “you make time for what’s important to you” to be very true. Having the motivation and support from other people at the gym like Dayna has also made it so much easier. If I can just get myself there, I know I’ll get a great workout and feel accomplished.
What do you attribute your progress to?
Consistency and balance with moving my body and what I put in it. Not waiting on motivation to get started. I’ve learned to get started and the motivation will come.
How do you feel now versus when you began?
I’ve gotten a lot stronger and also have a group of people I consistently look forward to seeing every week. I feel really supported and thankful for the Fusion community.
What would you tell others including postpartum moms to encourage them on their own journey?
‘Choose your hard’. It’s hard to be healthy, and it’s hard to be unhealthy. I’d rather have my hard work pay off in a way that makes me feel strong and capable. The small things matter more than big diet/workout routine changes that don’t last and are too hard to achieve. I’ve incorporated small habits into my life over the years which has led me to having a lot of healthy daily things I do for myself to care for my body and mind. And if you’re pregnant/postpartum, make sure you’re taking care of your core! And if you don’t know how, find someone who does!